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Is It the Cold, the Flu, or Allergies?

Is It the Cold, the Flu, or Allergies?

There are instances where you know you are sick, but you don’t know if you need urgent care in Sebastopol, California, or just some warm soup and a cozy bed. Colds, allergies, and the flu all have very similar symptoms, and your caring friends at Progressive Urgent Care – Sebastopol are here to help you distinguish one from the other.

The common symptoms of a cold, the flu, and allergies are a stuffy nose, a sore throat, coughing, sneezing, headaches, and fatigue. Two ways to distinguish allergies from the three is the lack of a fever and the absence of aches or pains, both of which the colds and flu have in common. However, symptoms of the flu are oftentimes more severe than colds but can easily be dealt with after a trip to our health care clinic.

Another way of differentiating the three is that they have different origins. A cold and the flu are both caused by completely different viruses, while allergies are caused by the immune system’s response to stimuli. Catching a cold or the flu often doesn’t have you rushing to look for urgent care services, but allergies sometimes do!

If you are ever confused as to what is causing your condition, we have experts in our walk in clinic in California who can help you detect the causes for your discomfort and find the best solutions to alleviate them.

These facts can be a lot to take in, so just remember that if you are in any need of help, we have the best medical clinic, and you are always welcome at any time.

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